Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

It's midnight here and the sky is lit up in a rainbow of colors and the air is thick with the smell of sulphur...Happy New Year everyone! The Nicarauguans love to celebrate with great gusto and fireworks certainly fall under that category. We are passive celebrants this year...enjoying the display safely from our back deck although not at the same of us has to be at the computer desk with Pixie, Susanna's dog, who is hiding underneath it, shaking like a leaf. So, we are taking turns...while one enjoys the show, the other is coddling the cowering canine...guess who's on dog duty at the moment? That's okay...I don't mind. It gives me an opportunity to tell you while the next three blogs happened at various times, I wrote them and posted them all tonight...I hope you enjoy vicariously spending the holidays with us! Blessings to you all in the coming year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lynne and Jim-

"Wilson" and I just finished reading your latest entries and of course your writing makes us feel that we have experienced what you are doing as if we are there seeing it for ourselves. It certainly seems that you did experience a wonderful Christmas though you are away from those you hold so dear.

Know that you are thought of and that we wish you all the blessings that you need for the New Year to continue the work you are doing.

Happy New Year, Your friends, Nancy and Robert Holmes