Monday, September 22, 2008

I think I have a fever...

What a beautiful morning! Pixie woke us up at 5:30 and the temps were so much cooler this morning due to last night’s rains, which continued through most of the night. The down side is it will make for a really steamy day later on. Plus, we seem to be without water again. Since it was off when we got up, I thought it would come on by now, but we’re still without. Thankfully, we keep bottled water on hand for drinking so we’re able to take spit baths (do they even call them that anymore???) and brush our teeth. We also keep buckets filled with water so that we can make sure the bathrooms can function.

We’re back on a regimented schedule this week as we return to school this afternoon. As I’m typing this, Jim is once again reviewing prepositions and verbs…subjects he didn’t like when he had to study them in a language he grew up speaking! We both have butterflies flitting around in our tummies this morning…I tried the fever routine with Jim…he’s as tough as my mom once was! Guess we’re going to be going to school this afternoon!

The sky must be reflecting my apprehensions because within just a couple of minutes, we have gone from a beautiful sunny morning to a cloudy, overcast sky. That’s one of the things I find so remarkable here…the weather changes so quickly. We can experience absolute stillness to almost gale force winds, sunshine to skies so dark we need the lights on, hot tropical sun beating down to monsoon like rains and all in a day’s time. The weather roulette wheel is always spinning here and it makes for an interesting day when out and about. Regardless, heat and humidity seem to be the constant…and the positive in that? All my lipsticks are now very creamy.

Have a good day. Please join us in prayer that our studying on our own the last two weeks will have been effective as we return to the linguistic torture rack called language school.

1 comment:

MaNdY said...

Hola mi madre y mi padre!

Praying in English and grateful God is bigger than have a sponge in your head and squeeze out Spanish when you need it...

How is Margarita? How is Manuel?