Wow, has it really been that long since I’ve written a
blog??? I guess that’s another
consequence of having Facebook…quick and easy updates seem to have taken
precedence over thoughtful and time-consuming blogging. True, it’s easier for me but probably not
nearly as informative as I need to be.
So, today, I will try to do a re-cap for you. One of the main reasons I have the time to do
this now is because Jim and Sam, one of the young men who frequents our home
here in Somoto, are gone today to Condega, another community about 25
kilometers from here, to get the brakes fixed on the car…a gift from some very
wonderful friends who came to stay with us the week of Thanksgiving. They are generous to a fault but this
particular gift might have been prompted by the fact that we were driving them around
the mountain curves with some squealing brakes!
Regardless, we are most appreciative!
And, I’m sure, much safer!
Well, most of you already know that we moved here to Somoto
the end of October and we’ve been here a month now. It’s been a little more challenging to feel
settled here simply due to the fact that we’ve had to make 4 different trips
back to Managua in that month’s time and all but 1 have been for 2-3 days at a
time. I’m ready for some continuity in
my routine!
I guess it’s no secret that life for most of us is filled
with changes…some more welcome than others.
And adapting to most changes requires flexibility and patience. I’m pretty good at being flexible for the
most part…but somehow, patience is still a challenge for me, although I do
think I’m getting better at that…but only because the Lord has given me so many
opportunities to practice it! My daily reminder
from my Father seems to be, “Remember, this isn’t about you…it’s about Me.” I’m a bit ashamed to say that it appears I
have to be reminded of that daily.
Ministry from Managua was established, scheduled and
comfortable, in the sense that I knew that I had regular obligations each week. I didn’t always know how the result of those
obligations was going to look, but I knew what I need to plan for in terms of
lessons, crafts, etc….and I was busy! Ministry here is taking some time to get going
and even though I’m sure that God has us in this season of “quiet” for a reason,
it’s not a season to which I’m accustomed…which means I’m having to learn how
to do days differently here. This is a challenge
for me…I want to “do” and yet, I think the Lord is telling me to take this time
He’s giving me and to just “be”. He’s
done that before in my life…I recognize it…I just am not comfortable with it.
So what are we doing right now? As I said, we moved here a month ago so
getting unpacked and settled in has taken some time. We have also made several visits out to the
school, Cristóbal Colón in the rural community of El Melonar. School ends this week and won’t start up
again until February…this time off is equivalent to our summer vacation. We’ve also been by Los Pipitos several times
just to stay in touch. We’ll be taking
some piñata-making materials there later this week…this is one of the things
they do to help raise funds for their work there. I’ll also be taking some beads and cording
for the children to use as part of their occupational therapy. We’ve gone out to Caucauli to re-connect with
some folks we met earlier in the year.
We’ve been able to purchase some medication for a handful of folks who
are suffering with everything from colds to pneumonia to a deep tissue
wound. We’ve been able to help several
elderly people who made it in to Somoto but were either stranded here without bus
fare or food or were too tired to walk the 5 miles back home. We’ve started a twice-weekly Bible study with
Sam and we’re praying that when the time is right, some of the other young
adults will also join. We seem to have
unexpected guests show up several times a week which means I need to keep a
stocked refrigerator and plenty of ice and beverages on hand! Plus a few other things that may not seem
significant but when your days seem empty of activity, they make for the bright
spot in the day. You know…when I look
back over this, I guess we’ve been busier than I thought. Just not with making lesson plans right now…
We recently had our friends, Chuck and Jeanna Jones from our
home church in Cassville, come to stay with us over the Thanksgiving
holiday. They were so much fun to have
and did more to minister to us than we could have ever imagined. It was so nice to be able to have another
woman to share my heart with for awhile and I know Jim thoroughly enjoyed
having Chuck here to help him with a few projects around the house. We loved being able to show them Somoto and
to introduce them to some of the people we already have come to care so much
They were actually our second house guests. Susanna came and spent a few days with us
when we moved in and her help was invaluable.
I think we just about worked her to death because as soon as she would
finish on one project, she would begin another.
We loved having her here and hope she comes back soon…and this time, I
promise not to put her to work!
Our friend Raquel, the director from CINAFE, is coming to
stay with us for at least one night the week before Christmas. I’m hoping we can talk her into two!
Several years ago, we met a couple from Pennsylvania, Karen
and Denny Shenk, with whom we quickly became friends. They visit Nicaragua several times a year and
have a real passion for missions. They
were going to come back this month but Karen’s father became very ill and recently
passed away with pancreatic cancer. They
are now coming in January and have already let us know that they are carving
out a few days in their busy schedule just to come up here and see us. I can hardly wait! It will be a few days of non-stop laughter
and sharing the goodness of the Lord.
Then, and this is the visit I’m really hoping and praying…literally…will
happen…our home church might bring a team in March! Just even thinking about it makes my heart
swell and ache at the same time. I love
these people so much…they aren’t just people with whom we go to church while in
the States…they are our church “family”!
And having them come would be like having a piece of “home” come and
visit… just like it was with Chuck and Jeanna only with more people bringing
Well, that’s pretty much it as far as updating you as to
what’s been going on in general terms. I’ve
also added some before and after pictures of our new home. I still remember looking at it for the first
time this past June. As soon as we
stepped on to the front porch, I knew that this was going to be our home. I have to say that only God could have given
me the vision that would convince me that what we were looking at then, could
become what we live in now. And honestly,
the house has turned out to be so much more than I had envisioned! Just another example of how we’ve experienced
God’s abundant and loving provision since moving here.
I hope you enjoy the pictures!
The guest room before (9'x8') |
The guest room before |
The guest room now |
The guest bathroom now |
The door to the back patio with a glimpse of one of the 6 skylights in the house |
Keeping the kitchen colorful! One of the cutout windows in the kitchen |